Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Make Me the Flower Girl

Megan always dreamed about being the flower girl. But the only reason she doesn't get chosen to be one is because Megan always had accidents. When Megan heard that her auntie was getting married Megan begged her auntie to be the flower girl. Megan's mum told her auntie that Megan had wanted to be a flower girl for a long time. Megan showed her auntie how much she wanted to be her flower girl. But instead she knocked over a precious "Our Lady" statue. But when her auntie Kat get married she has one good chance of being the perfect flower girl.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Angels Forever

There was once a girl called Annabella she had a bestie called Nicole. Annabella's school had a group called Team Terrific. Annabella was in a team called the Angels they did all sorts of competitions like soccer and singing and lots of other activities, however they decide who the winner is with a machine called clap-o-metre. What ever team gets the loudest claps wins. It was the biggest competition of the year. After this competition Team Terrific will be over and there will be no more Angels. Mrs Clarke the principal of Annabella's school was hosting the competition. Mr Paul accidentally broke the clap-o-metre so Mrs Clarke offered to judge the competition. Mrs Clarke wanted people from the Team Terrific to help decorate the hall in a High School where the competition was held. Annabella and Nicole wanted to help too, Nicole was in a team called Super Stars well more like a fan. All students were extremely excited to go to a high school. Annabella wondered who would win and get their names carved on the plaque. They arrived at the High School it was humongous they couldn't wait to get in side. Annabella And Nicole did a really good job decorating the hall. It was the Awards night every one from Annabella's school was very excited. Annabella's uncle drove Annabella and Nicole to the Awards night. Mrs Clarke announces the winning team, the Angels cross all their fingers for good luck. The Angels! Mrs Clarke announced the crowd clapped and shouted. The Angels had to give a speech but they were speechless so Annabella grabbed the microphone and she said some wonderful words the Angels had their names carved on the plaque.